- Preparing one of my Raspberry Pi 4 computers for the project ...
- Registered the domain "lepenet.link" at DYNU. We also use DYNU´s ddns service.
- Installed nginx web server. It's better than Apache :-)
- Building html code and CSS structures.
- Securing with letsencrypt SSL certificate. Now https works!
- Added nginx internal feature to minimize DOS attacks.
- Testing html tag <img srcset> for responsive images.
- Implementing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).
- 02/07/22 - Installed fail2ban to stop DOS attacks against web server.
- 09/03/22 - Installed mailserver with MariaDB, Postfix, Dovecot and Roundcube.
- 09/11/22 - Updated fail2ban to minimize DOS attacks against mail server.
- 11/16/22 - Installed SpamAssassin to filter out e-mail spam. Very effective program!
- 02/22/24 - Added IPv6 support. Thanks to Hurricane Electric! :-)